- Design / Prototype
- Create Dictionary Objects
- Core Data Services (CDS)
- Business Service
- Business Object Behavior
- Create a Fiori App
- Source (GitHub) for Data Model/Behaviour/Service
- Source (GitHub) for User Interface (Fiori Elements App)
Business Service Definition
Service scope is confirmed using Service Definition.
We can provide the list of entity sets that need exposure.
@EndUserText.label: 'Phone Book'
define service ZINTLRA_UI_PB_HEAD {
expose ZINTLRA_C_PB_HEAD as Contact;
expose ZINTLRA_C_PB_ITEM as PhoneNumber;
expose ZINTLRA_I_PB_USER as User;
expose ZINTLRA_I_PB_CAT as Category;
expose ZINTLRA_I_PB_TAG as Tag;
Business Service Binding
We bind the service definition to the corresponding protocol using the Service Binding
Provide the Protocol / Bind Type
Tag the Service Definition
Add more service definitions if required and Activate
Use Publish button on the right side to Publish the service
App Preview from Service Binding
Right-click on the root node in the Published Service and select App preview
App Preview URL just for reference